In the last 5 years, a service called "Client Advocate" (Chief Customer Officer (CCO)) has appeared in many of the world's leading companies. According to research, 22% of Fortune's top 100 companies already have such a role. So ORANGE GROUP has introduced such a position for its clients.
The main goal of the new service is to support the client in the processes of interaction with the company, not in words, but in deeds! In any situation for the client (including complaints, claims, objections, etc.), the client's lawyer always takes his side with the words: "I am on your side, I will help you solve the situation that has arisen. I will instantly connect to the problem with help and support."
Irina Skripnichenko holds the position of "Client's Lawyer" in ORANGE GROUP. Her number: +7 911 000 20 66 and mail There are no unsolvable issues or problems for us!

UAE, Dubai, OPUS by Omniyat
+971 52 340-33-76
St. Petersburg, Maslyaniy, 7
+7 (812) 334-09-90
Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya,15
+7 (800) 333-32-75